As you may remember I did a little article before E3 about what games for the Nitendo Wii I was looking forward too. Well, E3's come and gone, I've read every posible preview and hands-on of the games that were showcased there, and now I've come up with a few more games that I really can't wait for. Enjoy!
The Conduit

Release Date: Q1 2009 (USA)
I totally forgot about this game on my first article. But I hadn't really seen any articles or interviews at that time for me to remember. But with the flood of E3 previews, I have to say I'm even more excited. While the FPS is the genre that covers a lot of the games on both the PS3 and XBox 360, it's been rarely touched on the Wii. Strange, seeing that the controls work very well if done right (e.g. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Medal of Honor: Heroes 2.) And the graphics are some of the best seen on Wii occording to video game journalists from sites such as IGN and GoNintendo. After the IGN exclusive reveal of the game in April 17, 2008, I've been looking forward to this game quite a bit and I really can't wait. But I guess I don't care about that wait actually, even more time for them the make the game awesome.
Animal Crossing: City Folk

Release Date: November 16, 2008
What's so good about the newest iteration of Animal Crossing? It's supposedly the same old Animal Crossing we've come to love with some new features, voice chat via Nintendo's strange WiiSpeak, keyboard support, and Wii remote IR functionality for all menus, environments and everything in between. Sounds great, right? I sure hope so, because I'm ready to enter the AC universe again.
Wii Sports Resort

Release Date: Spring 2009
The sequel to Wii Sports, the game packaged with the Wii to show off the motion controls, is shaping up the be along those same lines. But instead of motion sensing that it's showing off, it's enhanced motion sensing via the Wii MotionPlus, a little peripheral that plugs into the bottom of the Wii remote and lets you do 1:1 motion controls. It's supposed to have around ten different games packaged in. The ones we've seen are Frisbee, Jet Skiing (above), and Fencing. All of which look very cool. With Wii Sports, I had a great deal of fun even if it was limited. And since it comes with the MotionPlus, this looks like a must buy for me.
Last time I had a couple of games I wasn't so sure of, or that I hadn't seen enough of to make a full decision. Two of these were hardcore-geared titles Fatal Frame 4 (aka Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse) from Nintendo and Capcom's Moster Hunter 3, which disappointedly we saw nothing of at E3 2008. Another game I'm not so sure about but will keep my eyes open for is MadWorld, which we've seen some videos of at E3 and looks gruesome and kinda cool.
That rounds up my second article about the games I'm looking forward too. In case you missed the first, it's here. And here's a complete list (so far) of the games I can't wait for:
de Blob September 26, 2008 (USA)
Wario Land: Shake It! September 29, 2008 (USA)
Guitar Hero: World Tour October 27, 2008 (USA)
Animal Crossing: City Folk November 16, 2008 (USA)
Mega Man 9 Fall/Winter 2008 (USA)
The Conduit Q1 2009 (USA)
Wii Sports Resort Spring 2009 (USA)
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